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It is a question that a number of parents ask us: what can I do to encourage my child to practice their music instrument at home?

1. Set a regular practice schedule

Establish a consistent routine for practicing, ideally at the same time each day.


2. Create a designated practice space

Make sure your child has a quiet and comfortable area where they can focus without distractions.


3. Set achievable goals

Break down larger musical pieces or techniques into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate progress along the way.


4. Offer incentives

This is especially useful for young children who respond more to extrinsic incentives. Provide rewards for completing practice sessions or reaching specific milestones, such as extra playtime, a special outing, or a small treat.


5. Be supportive and encouraging

Offer praise and constructive feedback to boost their confidence and motivation.


6. Lead by example

Demonstrate your own commitment to learning and practicing new skills, showing your child the importance of perseverance and dedication.


7. Make practice fun!

Incorporate games, challenges, or creative activities to make practicing more enjoyable and engaging. Ask your teacher for ideas!


8. Explore different styles and genres

Let your child explore music that interests them, whether it’s classical, jazz, pop, or another genre, to keep their passion for playing alive.


9. Be patient and understanding

Recognise that progress takes time and effort, and be supportive even during periods of frustration or setbacks.

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