The many-keyed clarinet, can sound so ghostly in the deep chalumeau register but higher up can gleam in silvery blossoming harmony.

– THOMAS MANN (1875 – 1955)

The clarinet is one of the instruments which tonal qualities are nearest to the human voice. Its great dynamic capabilities, portability, and wide possibilities for musical expression make it an excellent instrument to learn .

The clarinet is a major feature in Australian school orchestras – many of our clarinet students boast a seat in their respective school bands.

CMA nurtures young clarinettists with various learning goals. While many of our students learn the clarinet for self-interest and to widen their musical expertise, a number of our students are currently preparing for annual AMEB clarinet exams.

Accompanied rehearsals and accompanists are readily available to all our AMEB clarinet exam candidates.

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